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PTE Exam Results and Score


PTE Results & Scores

PTE Score Chart

Here is a detailed explanation of the PTE score chart.

85 and above
  • Can read and comprehend with ease.
  • Can easily understand spoken English.
  • Can summarize details from various audio sources and written texts.
  • Can express self coherently.
  • Can converse with clarity in complex situations.
Between 76 and 84
  • Can comprehend a range of complex texts with their implicit meaning.
  • Can express themselves without any difficulty.
  • Can communicate effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
Between 59 and 75
  • Can comprehend the main concepts of a complex text.
  • Can communicate with fluency and spontaneity without much difficulty.
Between 51 and 58
  • Can communicate with sufficient command over the language, but makes many errors.
  • Can easily understand standard spoken language.
  • Can share factual information about everyday matters with a certain confidence.
  • Can comprehend most of the details from recorded and broadcast resources.
Between 43 and 50
  • Can comprehend standard language encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Can tackle common situations that might arise in places where the language is spoken.
Between 30 and 42
  • Can comprehend phrases and commonly used expressions that are of relevant topics including personal information, shopping, local geography and employment.
  • Can communicate in simple terms their personal background and immediate environment.
Between 10 and 29
  • Can comprehend basic everyday phrases and expressions.
  • Can introduce himself/herself and pose simple questions to others.
  • Can interact with people.


PTE vs. IELTS Band Score Comparison 

PTE Band Score
IELTS Band Score
86 and above

PTE Band Score

The PTE score is machine-scored. The scoring is of two types: 

  • Partial Credit
  • Correct or Incorrect

Partial Credit: Partial credit is marked for all right answers. For all wrong answers, points will be deducted from the points earned for the right answers. No marks are awarded for the wrong answers.

Correct or Incorrect: The candidate will be awarded one point for each correct response. No points will be awarded for an incorrect answer.

PTE Score Calculation:

The overall score will be calculated based on the candidate's performance in all the sections. The PTE score calculators take the sum and average for the overall score. The two important contributors to the PTE score are Communicative Skills and Enabling Scores.

PTE Communicative Skills Score: The score for this category consists of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The score range for the skill is between 10 and 90 points.

PTE Enabling Skills Score: These skills include grammar, spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, oral fluency and written discourse. The score of enabling skill ranges between 10 and 90 points.

For the overall PTE score, all scores under Enabling Skills are added and the total is divided by 6. The average of this is added along with the four communicative skills scores. The average of these 5 parts together is taken as the overall PTE score.

PTE Speaking and Writing

S.No Section Scoring
1 Read Aloud Partial credit
2 Repeat Sentence Partial credit
3 Describe image Partial credit
4 Re-tell lecture Partial credit
5 Answer Short Questions Correct/ Incorrect
6 Summarize Written Text Partial credit
7 Writing Essay Partial credit

PTE Reading

S.No Section Scoring
1 Multiple-choice, choose a single answer Correct/ Incorrect
2 Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
Partial credit for each correct response. Points deducted for incorrect options chosen
3 Re-order paragraphs Partial credit for each correctly ordered, adjacent pair
4 Reading: Fill in the blanks Partial credit for each correctly completed blank
5 Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks Partial credit for each correctly completed blank

PTE Listening

S.No Section Scoring
1 Summarize spoken text Partial credit
2 Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
Partial credit for each correct response. Points deducted for incorrect options chosen
3 Fill in the blanks Partial credit for each correct word spelled correctly
4 Highlight correct summary Correct/ Incorrect
5 Multiple-choice, choose a single answer Correct/ Incorrect
6 Select missing word Correct/ incorrect
7 Highlight incorrect words
Partial credit for each word. Points deducted for incorrect options chosen
8 Write from dictation Partial credit for each word spelled correctly

PTE Result

How to check the PTE Result?

The PTE results will be out within 5 business days from the actual test date. Candidates can access their PTE exam result online. Once the results are out, candidates will be notified via email. Once they receive this email, they can log in to the PTE Academic student account.  The PTE exam certification is valid for two years from the actual test date. Students who wish to prove their eligibility post two years will have to retake the exam.