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Which countries Accept IELTS 5.5 Bands

Choosing the IELTS exam can be your best decision to give wings to your study-abroad dream. It is not mandatory for international students to score a high band in the exam to study abroad or even to study at prestigious universities abroad. A minimum score of 5.5 allows students to pursue their higher education abroad. If you are wondering Which countries accept IELTS 5.5 band? We are happy to provide all the details.

There are many reasons to prefer the IELTS exam to pursue your higher education abroad. It is a popular English proficiency exam that tests the students' language skills. The exam is accepted by 140 countries worldwide, including major English-speaking countries like the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland. The organisers of the exam facilitate students by conducting the exam all three sessions 7 days a week. The results are announced within 3-5 days from the day test was taken.

Though many benefits come with taking the exam, it takes preparation and dedication to crack it. Nevertheless, some countries accept low score. These countries accept a score of 5.5 and scoring a 5.5 band is seen as having a good command in the English Language.

List of Countries accepting IELTS 5.5 band:

  • The United States
  • The United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Netherlands

What does your IELTS Score of 5.5 mean?

Scoring a 5.5 means, your skills lie between the range of bands 5 and 6.

A Band 6 user is considered Competent. He/she has effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriate use and misunderstandings of the language. They can use and understand fairly complex language in familiar situations.

A Band 5 user is considered Modest in the language. He/she has partial command of the language and can understand meaning of the sentences in most situations. It is likely they will make many mistakes and can handle basic communication in their own field.

A user scoring 5.5 means, they have a good command of the English language, capable of understanding conversations in most situations. They can initiate talks and discussions with respect to their field of education. They can use complex language moderately and may show some inaccuracies while using the language.

Abroad Universities accepting IELTS 5.5 Band:

The most precise answer to "Which countries accept IELTS 5.5 band"? is given below. We have listed the universities of the countries that consider IELTS 5.5 for admission.

Students can contact their preferred universities for a more detailed information on the IELTS requirement.






State University of New York

Ohio University

Stockton University

North Dakota State University

University of Alaska Anchorage

University of Washington

University of Louisiana

Wayne State University



University of Leeds

University of Aberdeen

University of Liverpool

University of Sussex

University of Sheffield

University of Dundee

University of Nottingham



Charles Sturt University

University of Alberta

Brock University

St.Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

Niagara College, Welland Campus

Canadore College

Camosun College



Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Salford College

Academy of Interactive Entertainment

Victoria University

Eynesbury College

Edith Cowan College

TAFE International Western Australia


New Zealand

Auckland University of Technology

Otago Polytechnic

University of Otago

Pacific Hotel International Management

University of Waikato

Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

New Zealand Management Academics

Lincoln University



Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich

University of Bonn



American University Dubai

The University of Sharjah

Dubai Medical College



University of Malaya

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Universiti Putra Malaysia



The National University of Singapore

Nayang Technological University

The Singapore Management University



Maastricht University

Delft University of Technology

Leiden University

Radboud University Nijmegen

Wageningen University & Research Center

Have we answered your question, "Which countries accept IELTS 5.5 Band"? It is really a welcoming factor that many countries accept the minimum score of IELTS 5.5 for admission at their universities. But for receiving the Student Visa, a 5.5 band in IELTS is not recommended. Most countries accept a 6.0 and above in IELTS to issue students a Student Visa.

To get clarity on this contradicting theory and to have a successful journey to pursue studies abroad, students can directly interact with our counsellors.

Start your study-abroad journey with AECC today and realise your dream at the earliest.


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