
PTE Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
Explore the Structure and Key Sections!

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PTE Exam Pattern and Syllabus

PTE Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Explore the Structure and Key Sections!

Prepare, Practice, and Achieve Your Best.

PTE Exam Pattern and Syllabus

PTE Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Getting to grips with the PTE exam pattern and syllabus is key to doing well, especially if you're aiming for academic or immigration purposes. PTE Academic is accepted by over 300 universities and colleges around the world and uses advanced AI technology for scoring. Knowing the exam structure and what’s covered can really help you target your preparation and hit your score goals.

PTE Exam Pattern

Doing well on the PTE test demonstrates your ability to communicate clearly and prepares you for presentations and interactions with international audiences. Here’s the latest PTE exam pattern to help you get ready for the test and advance your educational goals abroad.

Section Description Duration
Speaking and Writing The Speaking and Writing section of the PTE exam evaluates candidates' ability to communicate effectively in English. It includes tasks like delivering a personal introduction, reading aloud, repeating sentences, describing images, summarising lectures, answering short questions, and writing essays. 

54 - 67 minutes

Reading In the Reading section of the PTE exam, candidates encounter tasks such as multiple-choice questions (single and multiple answers), reordering paragraphs, and filling in the blanks. This section tests reading comprehension and the ability to interpret and analyse written texts efficiently.  29 - 30 mins
Listening The Listening section of the PTE exam assesses candidates' ability to understand spoken English in academic contexts. Tasks include summarising spoken texts, multiple-choice questions (single and multiple answers), filling in the blanks, highlighting correct summaries, selecting missing words, and identifying incorrect words.  30 - 43 minutes

PTE Exam Syllabus - Speaking and Writing Section

In the Speaking and Writing sections of the PTE Academic pattern of exam, candidates are assessed on a variety of tasks designed to evaluate their proficiency in spoken and written English. Each task serves a distinct purpose in assessing different aspects of language skills and communicative abilities.

PTE Speaking and Writing Section Question Topics

PTE Questions per task 


Duration per task

Personal introduction


Introduce yourself briefly, often including personal information or interests.

55 seconds: 25 seconds for prompt, 30 seconds to record

Read Aloud


Read a short text aloud from the screen, testing pronunciation and fluency.

30-40 seconds to prepare for reading out the text of 60 words

Repeat sentence


Listen to a sentence and repeat it accurately, assessing listening and speaking skills.

15 seconds: 3-9 seconds for prompt, 15 seconds to record

Describe image


Describe and interpret a visual image displayed on the screen within a specified time.

25 seconds are granted to study the image as well as prepare your response on the same

Retell lecture


Listen to a short lecture and summarise its key points in your own words.

90 seconds for prompt length, 10 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to answer

Answer short question


Respond briefly to a direct question, testing quick thinking and clarity of expression.

20 seconds: 3-9 seconds for prompt, 10 seconds to answer

Summarise written text


Summarise a passage in one sentence, demonstrating reading comprehension and concise writing.

10 minutes to answer to text prompt of 300 words

Write Essay


Write an essay on a given topic, expressing a clear argument or perspective with appropriate structure and language use.

20 minutes to answer to text prompt of 2-3 sentences

Total Questions

28 - 36


Time Allocation: 54 - 67 minutes

PTE Exam Pattern & Syllabus - Reading Section

The Reading section of the PTE Academic pattern evaluates candidates' ability to comprehend written English in academic contexts. This section consists of various tasks designed to assess different aspects of reading comprehension and language proficiency

PTE Reading Section Question Topics

PTE Questions per task 


Duration per task

Fill in the blanks – reading & writing


Complete sentences by selecting appropriate words from a dropdown menu.

Read 300 words of text

Multiple choice, multiple answers


Select all the correct answers from multiple options for a given question

Read 300 words of text

Re-order paragraph


Arrange jumbled paragraphs into a coherent sequence based on logical connections.

Read 150 words of text

Fill in the blanks –reading


Complete sentences by selecting appropriate words from a dropdown menu. 

Read 80 words of text

Multiple-choice, single answer


Select the correct answer from multiple options for a given question.

Read 300 words of text

Total Questions

13 - 18


Time Allocation - 29 - 30 minutes

PTE Exam Syllabus - Listening Section

The Listening section of the PTE Academic pattern evaluates candidates' ability to understand spoken English in academic settings. This section comprises various tasks designed to assess different aspects of listening comprehension and language proficiency.

PTE Listening Section Question Topics

PTE Questions per task 


Duration per task

Summarise spoken text


Listen to a short lecture or talk and summarise its main points in writing.

60-90 seconds to retain  50-70 words, 10 minutes to write

Multiple choice, multiple answers


Select all correct answers from multiple options based on the information heard.

40-90 seconds for prompt

Fill in the blanks


Complete sentences by filling in missing words or phrases based on the audio content.

30-60 seconds

Highlight correct summary


Select the summary that best captures the main points of the audio clip.

30-90 seconds

Multiple-choice, single answer


Select the correct answer from options provided after listening to a question or statement.

30-60 seconds

Select missing word


Listen to a recording with a missing word and select the correct option from a dropdown menu.

20-70 seconds

Highlight incorrect word


Identify and click on the word in the transcript that does not match the audio.

15-50 seconds

Write from Dictation


Listen to a sentence and type it exactly as you hear it.

3-5 seconds

Total Questions



Time Allocation: 30 - 43 minutes


Knowing the PTE exam pattern and syllabus is crucial for doing well on the test. By understanding what to expect in each section and how much time you have, you can plan your approach more effectively. Practising tasks like speaking, writing, reading, and listening will help you be fully prepared for the various challenges you'll face during the exam.

Discover the comprehensive details of the PTE exam pattern and syllabus with AECC. Equip yourself with essential insights into each section's tasks and time allocations, ensuring you're well-prepared for exam day. Let AECC guide you through this journey with expert advice and tailored strategies to excel in every aspect of the PTE exam.

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