Study Abroad in Aeronautical Engineering: A Detailed Look at the Syllabus and Core Subjects

The Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus or Curriculum abroad is a rigorous design of many complex aerodynamics subjects and concepts. The main aim of the course is to equip students with the principle and advanced knowledge of the Aeronautical domain. The Aeronautical Engineering course can be studied at all levels - in Diploma, Bachelor's, Master's and PhD.

The Aeronautical Engineering syllabus abroad looks like this, a mix of core concepts of the domain - Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Aircraft Structures, Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics, Flight Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Aircraft Design and Avionics Navigation. The Aeronautical Engineering Bachelor's degree has eight semesters with each semester teaching about unique and different aspects of the course.

Indian students wishing to study Aeronautical Engineering abroad must be high school graduates who studied subjects such as Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Expertise in mathematical skills is majorly given importance, followed by computer skills, design skills and communication skills.

Fundamental Subjects in Aeronautical Engineering

The Aeronautical Engineering course is all about the foundational and fundamental subjects. Without a strong foundation, you cannot move forward to learn about complex and advanced Aeronautical subjects. These foundational subjects range from Aerodynamics to Aircraft systems and mastering these subjects is purely essential to innovate within the discipline.

Find the major fundamental Aeronautical subjects covered in the course at abroad universities.


Aeronautical Courses

Fundamental Subjects Covered


Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering

Aircraft Instrumentation System, 

CAR (Civil Aviation Regulation), 

Aircraft Maintenance and Practice, 

Aircraft System, 

Aircraft Structures, 

Avionics and Aircraft Radio System


B.E/B.Tech in Aeronautical Engineering

Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing Technology, 

Aircraft Structures, 

Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics, 

Flight Mechanics and Aerodynamics, 

Aircraft Design, 

Avionics Navigation


M.Tech in Aeronautical Engineering


Aerospace Engineering, 

Applied Mathematics, 

Aeronautical Vehicle Design


PhD in Aeronautical Engineering

Advanced Propulsion, 

Advanced Aircraft Design, 


Computational Fluid Dynamics, 

Aerospace Stress Diagnostics

Advanced Topics in Aeronautical Engineering

The Aeronautical Engineering course comprises cutting-edge technologies as advanced topics allowing students to explore the real Aeronautical realm. These topics also cover the modern and future Aeronautical science subjects offering students a deep exploration of the contemporary and coming-of-age Aero domain. These subjects equip students with solid present-day skills to aptly contribute to the field.

Find the Modern and Latest Aeronautical Science subjects for international students available at abroad universities.


Aeronautical Courses Name

Advanced Subjects Covered


Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering

Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing Technology,

Aircraft Structures, 


Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics, Aero Engineering Thermodynamics

Aircraft Materials


B.E/B.Tech in Aeronautical Engineering

Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing Technology, 

Aircraft Structures, 


Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics, 

Flight Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Aircraft Design, 

Avionics Navigation


MSc in Aerospace Engineering,

MSc in Aeronautical Engineering

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics Modeling, 

Rotorcraft Aerodynamics, 

Flow Control, 

Air-breathing Hypersonic and Rocket Propulsion, 

Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft


PhD in Aerospace Engineering

Orbital Mechanics,

Space Systems, 

Theory of Elasticity, 

Fluid Mechanics and Dynamics, 

Life Support Systems

Also Read: Best Country to Study Aeronautical Engineering

Specialisations within Aeronautical Engineering

Specialisations are mostly allowed to be chosen when students apply for a Master's degree in their desired course. The Aeronautical Engineering Course abroad comes with interesting and ingenious specialisations, helping students to focus on and master a single sub-field of the Aero domain. The Aeronautical course specialisations range from Aerodynamics, Avionics and Propulsion to Aircraft Structures, Life Support Systems and Flight Dynamics.

More on the course specialisations at abroad universities are tabulated below for each degree.


Aeronautical Course Specialisations

Abroad Universities

Study Duration


Avionics Stream, Aero-Mechanical Stream, 

Maintenance and Production (Electronics Systems, Electrical Systems, Navigation Systems)

Various colleges in India and abroad

2-3 years


Aerospace Propulsion

Structural Analysis, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Design, Flight Dynamics


Imperial College London (UK)

University of Toronto (Canada)

University of Sydney (Australia) 

Technical University of Munich (Germany)

University of Auckland (New Zealand)

American University in Dubai (Dubai)

3-4 years


Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics Modeling, 

Rotorcraft Aerodynamics, 

Flow Control, Air-breathing Hypersonic and Rocket Propulsion, Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft

Stanford University (US), 

University of Cambridge (UK), 

University of British Columbia (Canada), Monash University (Australia), 

Technical University of Berlin (Germany), University of Canterbury (New Zealand), University of Wollongong in Dubai (Dubai)

1-2 years


Orbital Mechanics, Space Systems, Theory of Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics and Dynamics, 

Life Support Systems

Caltech (US), 

University of Oxford (UK), 

McGill University (Canada), 

University of Melbourne (Australia), 

RWTH Aachen University (Germany), University of Otago (New Zealand), University of Sharjah (Dubai)

3-5 years

Emerging Trends and Technologies in Aeronautical Engineering

As an aspiring Aeronautical student, you have to know the big picture of the industry. Like every science course, the Aero domain too expands with each decade innovating and brimming with brilliance. Therefore it is important to know the future trends and technologies that may be adapted to and utilised in the domain to expand its wings.

Learn a few of the trends that might have a place in each Aeronautical degree abroad for Aeronautical students.


Expected Latest Topics to Study Abroad in Aeronautical Engineering


Aircraft Aerodynamics, Engineering Drawing, Engineering Mathematics, Radio and Communication System, Control Theory, Aircraft Structure, Aircraft System, Avionics, Aviation Rules and Regulations, Fluid Dynamics, Rocket and Missile, Aircraft Materials, Computer-Aided Design and Drawing


Thermofluids, Introduction to Aircraft Design, Aerodynamics, Mechanics of Flight, Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Materials, Aircraft Systems and Performance


Thermofluids, Introduction to Aircraft Design, Aerodynamics, Mechanics of Flight, Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Materials, Aircraft Systems and Performance


Aircraft Design, Aerospace Engineering Systems, Thermodynamics, Gas and Fluid Dynamics, Computer-Aided Design, Solid Mechanics and Aerospace Structures, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Propulsion, Aircraft Control

To be an international Aeronautical graduate, being aware of this course's syllabus and subjects taught at abroad universities is essential. What's more, studying the Aeronautical course abroad opens doors to vast opportunities and allows you to fly the sky with more credentials and value to your name.

Contact AECC now and speak to our expert counsellors to know how to get started with your Aeronautical journey abroad.


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