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Why Study In Germany From India?

Every year, lakhs of Indian students choose to study abroad at world-class universities to widen their career prospects. Though too many options are in front of them, they all drop every single option and pick Germany as it offers affordable quality education to non-native English speakers like Indian students. Many countries are striding forward regarding global university rankings, infrastructure, and amenities, but Germany outranks across multiple disciplines.

Undoubtedly, Germany is one of the favourite study destinations for Indian students for their higher education. Every year, German universities consistently claim to top the list of the best universities in the world by QS World University Rankings. Over 400 universities and institutes in Germany offer around 1,000 English-taught study programs to ensure that Indian students do not have difficulty pursuing various studies in the country.

Also, Indian students are Germany's third-largest international student community. If nothing else, its magnificence and natural serenity alone might be a perfect reason to study in Germany!

Benefits of Studying in Germany

There are many great benefits to studying in Germany for Indian students. Let's look at the top 10 reasons for studying in Germany and the benefits students can enjoy.

Internationally recognized degrees

German universities are known to offer internationally recognized degree programs as all the universities in Germany operate under the Bologna reform. The reform ensures students from any country are provided with an equal, unified, and internationally recognized undergraduate, postgraduate, or PhD education.

This applies to almost all academic disciplines except medicine, law, and pharmacy.

There are no tuition fees at public universities in Germany

The state mainly funds higher education in Germany, and as such, it is free for domestic and international students. The German higher education system comprises around 400+ universities and institutions that host around 2.5 million students across various institutions in Germany. These public universities are divided into public "tuition-free" institutions across Germany with many international student populations. In recent years, Germany has been politically stumbling toward outlawing tuition fees across the whole nation. Yet, as a decentralized federal country, it wasn't easy to get all their federations to agree. So, that has become the reason Germany is now offering free higher education to all students, regardless of their country of origin.

Low cost of living

Apart from the tuition fees, the cost of living is another aspect to consider for a prospective higher study in Germany. Before considering moving abroad, students must consider the cost of living. Still, Germany eases that headache as studying in Germany is relatively cheaper than in other European countries regarding the cost of living. According to recent research on the cost of living in 150+ countries, German cities are in the bottom 100 of the world's most expensive cities. It means the cost of living in Germany is always under the bar and in the cheapest European capitals!

Benefit from the Economic Powerhouse

Germany is the driving force that pushes and scales the major part of the European Union's economy. Studying abroad in Germany offers a wide range of full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities as Germany is flagged as a global economic power. Companies like Adidas, BMW, Siemens, and Bosch made this possible and turned Germany into a superpower in all industries. Furthermore, international students studying abroad in Germany will have access to working opportunities such as internships and work experience with decent pay.

Multiple Scholarship facilities

One important quality that draws international students to Germany is that the students get easy and hassle-free access to different and widely renowned scholarship programs. In Germany, various disciplines through various political, religious, and government organizations established Germany as one of the top favourites.

Working while Studying in Germany

Unlike in many other countries, students in German universities are allowed to work for either 90 full working days or 180 half-working days. If you're planning to study in Germany, then it's a great choice to earn with extra effort while studying. It is why many international candidates consider moving to Germany for higher studies.

Blocked funds are essentially lower

To study in Germany, you must first apply for a national VISA. This VISA includes several criteria, one of which is to deposit a sum of money into a blocked bank account. These funds confirm you have enough money to pay at least one year's living expenses. Considering the inflation rate, as of January 1, 2022, the government has made it mandatory to have €10,332 for an entire year or €861 for a month in the Blocked Account for studying in Germany.

Explore Europe with a Student visa

German university students are allowed the same travel rights as those German and European students. However, the European students who are living and studying in Germany are entitled to the EU/EFTA citizen's free entry rights, and non-European students who are not residents of Europe need to have a residency permit. The residency permit allows you to travel visa-free, which offers an opportunity to visit countries with a few restrictions.

Scope for future after graduation

As students graduate from a German university, they are open to many job opportunities, and their future job scope unfolds in many ways. German universities are highly recognized, so graduate candidates will enjoy a high employability rate in the global job market compared to students from other countries. So, you can expect many attractive jobs offers when you complete your degree from a German university with colossal credibility.

Learning in a Multicultural community

Germans are among the most welcoming societies and have always been a place for other nationalities. The nation is widely regarded as one of the world's most accommodative traditionally. Germans live in harmony with foreigners in places where people congregate, such as workspaces, tourism, and education.

Besides, thousands of international students come to Germany as it offers them the most multicultural and diverse communities in which to live and learn about the world from a different angle.

What Should Be Known Before Deciding To Study In Germany?

There are many things a student needs to know and prepare for when studying in a country like Germany. It includes which, for the record, doesn't have English as the national language. To begin with, get your visa in place, check your accommodation (which can be on-campus or off-campus) and any certificates that must be produced at the time of admission, and research the city you are headed to. These days, there are also a lot of things to know before deciding to study in Germany, they are:

  • The paperwork is plentiful.
  • Knowing German is a Plus.
  • Accommodation will be a little tough.
  • Germans move on with punctuality.
  • Small towns are blissful to stay in.
  • Locals Value Their Sunday Peace.
  • It might be difficult to keep in touch.
  • Medicine will be sold in Pharmacies alone.

How does aecc help Indian students study in Germany?

AECC India helps students, parents, and other legatees with educational planning, applying for a student visa and assisting with paperwork for health insurance and a blocked account, which are required as a vital part of getting into Germany. That is for your visa application. Expert educational consultants at AECC give counsel and equip you with advice that best suits the degree program in Germany based on an individual's interests and potential. With collaboration from the top coaching centres and institutes, aecc stands out in offering long-term benefits to students who intend to study in Germany.

Are you ready to move to and study in Germany? Jumpstart your career with advanced degree programs. Get job-ready for the global market with a German university degree. 

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